Jonathan D Vut

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| map-marker Lorain, Ohio

Tried to buy an Emszero Body Scult machine and was scammed.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Aliexpress - Tried to buy an Emszero Body Scult machine and was scammed.
Aliexpress - Tried to buy an Emszero Body Scult machine and was scammed. - Image 2
Aliexpress - Tried to buy an Emszero Body Scult machine and was scammed. - Image 3
Aliexpress - Tried to buy an Emszero Body Scult machine and was scammed. - Image 4
Aliexpress - Tried to buy an Emszero Body Scult machine and was scammed. - Image 5
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

I bought an emszero body sculpt machine with RF handles and got it on a 1.1 sale for 57% percent off. With a coupon for an additonal 80 off.

It was an amazing deal and seemed too good to be true. Well, it was definitely a scam and too good to be true. They processed the payment on my credit card. Then two days letter they sent me a message on whatsapp saying the payment I made was only a deposit and I needed to pay an additional $420.00.

I told them there was no mistake made and I paid what was due via alliexpress. I told them I would report them and the scam they were pulling. Do not trust buying on this site, because the sellers are very shady and this happens often. I was so sad, as I really wanted that machine.

I waited for years to get that sort of price, but feared it was too good to be true. They told me if I was unwilling to send the additional 420.00, then I needed to cancel the order. Not sure AliExpress will do anything about it. I am not certain I will ever buy via AliExpress again either.

This has really burned me.

Beware! Many scam sellers are on this site and if you think the deal, even a sale is too good to be true, then it more than likely is.

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  • Scam sellers

Preferred solution: I had to cancel so they will refund. The seller should honor the price they gave me and sale me the item at the cost they agreed upon with free shipping. They asked me to cancel if I was not willing to pay the additional.

User's recommendation: Stay away! They have scam sellers on their site.

mei g Uwi

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My package hasnt been delivered and it says awaiting delivery, but it hasnt been delivered.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Aliexpress - My package hasnt been delivered and it says awaiting delivery, but it hasnt...
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i havent recieved my package in the mail but its tracked as delivered, its been 2+ weeks. I am really dissatisfied with this and want a refund or them to send the package back. I have no other information or evidence to give you besides that.

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  • Cheap prices and ample variety
  • Long delivery and impossible to get money back

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: dont shop on aliexpress.

Alan H Vxn

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Refund denial

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Aliexpress - Refund denial
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I would like to understand why my refund keeps getting denied. AliExpress customer service seems to have little to no understanding of what is happening...

I bought a product and it was defective. I created a return, including a video, and AliExpress agreed to the video and sent me a shipping label. The seller then messaged me and told me not to return the item and that he would send me a new item, but he never did. I finally decided to return the item using the very odd shipping label (no real address per se) that AliExpress provided.

Eventually USPS showed that as delivered but AliExpress has stalled and stalled and stalled with a refund. They have claimed multiple things... "the item isn't at the warehouse", and things like "please send proof it was returned" multiple times even though *all* of the return services were provided by AliExpress (so it should be in THEIR system!). But, even after providing all of the information that was requested, and far more than I ever SHOULD have had to supply, I am simply getting a 'denied' message from them.

This is unacceptable. I refuse to purchase more items from AliExpress or AliBaba until this is resolved. At the *very* least, I would like the defective item returned to me as I might be able to salvage something from it. Having AliExpress keep the item, without any reason, AND keep my money, however, is theft, pure and simple.

I won't work with a company the defrauds me. Further, I have every intention of spreading this story, as far and wide on the internet as I possibly can in the even I am left with NO product and NO refund.

I take fraud very seriously.

I do not want to go down that path. But when AliExpress states "all your product ordering processes are protected." I *expect* them to honor that commitment.

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  • Cheap
  • Missing or defective part
  • Empty packages and sketchy refunds

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Stay away from companies that promises refunds but welch on that

Rahat K Cqf

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Dammam, Eastern Province

Money paid,Product not delivered! Fraud

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Aliexpress - Money paid,Product not delivered! Fraud
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I ordered A USB Wire for 7 Riyal In Dammam.They Cut off my money from credit card almost 14 riyals! from My PayPal account.They also Took my Bitcoins from my account.This is completely unacceptable,My order hasn't arrived even It's been Over a month already!

I want my money back. Fraud I wanted to purchase more products from this company as I trusted it But The products aren't Here nor they are replying to me

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User's recommendation: Don't Order Products that needs to be paid beforehand or directly from Credit card.

maria c Yow

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Aliexpress - Claim
Aliexpress - Claim - Image 2
Aliexpress - Claim - Image 3
Aliexpress - Claim - Image 4
Aliexpress - Claim - Image 5
Contains 5 confidential files for company representatives

Hello, I made a sofa bed which arrived incomplete and of very poor quality. I'm missing the other part.

The day it arrived, we contacted you for a refund or guarantee, which is 90 days. We requested photos which were sent and you responded that it was not enough evidence. We tried to contact you, which is almost impossible for us to do. You closed the claim request and refunded a ridiculous amount.

We just want our money back, and you take your merchandise. I am sending a photo of what was offered to me in quality and more photos with a video of what arrived.

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  • Cons loss money

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: I would never recommend them in my life. Their customer service quality is very poor, the quality of the product and delivery, so what can I say if the other part hasn't arrived yet. Which I don't want either

Kyson Gpt

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| map-marker Adelaide Cbd, South Australia


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Aliexpress - Parcel
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My parcel last day to be here was on the 17 of January 2025 I have made this order on my birthday last month on December 9 2024 now they havent sent me any updates of their where abouts for this order have not got any updates since 5 of January 2025 I would like my order with me ASSAP this money I had for this order was money from my grandparents if I do not get this order in the next 5 days I would like a refund!

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User's recommendation: I will not recommend buying or purchase if anything from AliExpress as they rip u off and u will be waiting for months for ur order this order i an still waiting for is special to me

Wasantha K Upa

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker New York, New York

Resolved: Regarding the smartphone

Aliexpress - Regarding the smartphone
Aliexpress - Regarding the smartphone - Image 2
Aliexpress - Regarding the smartphone - Image 3
Aliexpress - Regarding the smartphone - Image 4
Contains 3 confidential files for company representatives

We ordered a phone, we spent a lot of money on it, but all we got was a phone case. We want to exchange it.

We want our money back.We ordered this because we trusted you, but you broke our trust. We want to exchange it. We don't want a phone case.

We ordered a phone. We want our money back.

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  • Bad service

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Don't lie like this.

Layla M Mif

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Missing my packages

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I am missing my package. I never received it.

I messaged the seller's contact, and they said the package had been damaged during transit, and they never contacted me about what happened or if I needed another order. I am not able to get a refund because the order is saying it was shipped since 01/01/25. I am really frustrated. I lost $226.59.

I have been trying to contact a customer agent and no one is replying to me.

Please help me. I need my money back!

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Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: never order large amounts from this app

Jooske v

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Aliexpress customer service robotic behavior

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Dear Aliexpress,

You keep rejecting my complaint about missing packages and arguing that I have to go to the post office to claim it and have a complaint form made.

I have explained to your agents countless times that this is impossible because there is no post office in the Netherlands. Input that into the software of your robots.

In track traces, it says that a package went from the sorting center to the delivery center. That is a department of the sorting center where the parcel deliverers scan the packages to load them into their car for delivery.

There is no physical post office where addressees can pick up their packages. We also do not have customer service. The only thing available is an online chatbot, which generates a complaint form with a case number. That is our only proof besides the track trace.

We send that form as a screenshot to the sellers and with that case number, they can submit the case to PostNL.

If that does not work, we can still open a dispute. Normally, we get a refund.

In this case, I have provided all the evidence and clearly stated that there is no post office so we cannot go anywhere, the package is lost.

Your employees do not read because within a few minutes the same rejection and again the same demand go to the post office.

They ask for stamped forms which don't exist.

Hence the impression that there are robots or AI with erroneous software and routines.

No people who read and now after a month could finally understand what is going on: that there is no post office in the Netherlands where we can go. It simply does not exist. Let Aliexpress set up post offices themselves if they want them so much. Or set up their own delivery service, as Amazon has done, among others.

If the package had been left somewhere at PostNL, it would have been returned to the sender within seven days and that would also be visible in the track trace.

In this case, my package simply vanished there. Packages that have been left behind disappear. There is a thriving trade in that, internationally. People sell them by the kilo everywhere.

So, there is really no hope that my package will be found.

The sellers have or have not had contact with PostNL. As determined internationally, the seller is the only one who can order an investigation at PostNL, because they pay for the delivery service.

And we buyers pay via Aliexpress to the buyers for our product. And the guarantee on the product or money back.

Aliexpress offers a buyer's guarantee with every purchase, which means a full refund if the goods are not received correctly.

Until a year ago, this was normal and without any problems.

Now it is a drama. You can complain all you want, everything is rejected. Despite obvious evidence, arguments, explanations, screenshots. Dozens of chats with agents at Aliexpress, who promise everything, pass it on, escalate, register complaints. But nothing happens. We have no more options.

The same autoresponder is rejected again and again, directing us to go to the post office.

Aliexpress, do something about this.

If there are people there, they earn many penalty points for not reading and understanding and ignoring the guarantee that buyers are entitled to.

I would replace them with the team from a year ago when everything went smoothly.

I am definitely not the only victim of your robots or AI with program errors.

It is generally stated now that buying from Aliexpress is risky, with a high chance of losing your money. Your buyer guarantee is worthless. If such people without understanding sit on your customer service with their finger on reject, without reading, it's like an automatic 'go to the post office' response.

I strongly object to this. I should not be treated like this. I am a loyal customer, have bought for thousands of euros on your platform. But I did not deserve this poor treatment and frustrations. This situation is madness.

Get me out of this loop of automatic rejection and finally provide my refund, to which I am fully entitled.

Other sellers have in previous cases just sent the purchased items again. Because they are serious and know that we have the right to receive our purchased items.

I really do not know what has changed with you in the last year or so.

Maybe you only want big customers like dropshippers and such. But that does not mean that I do not also have rights to my buyer protection and guarantee.

I have a serious complaint and am putting Aliexpress on notice.

Just give my money back. Until then, I will not order anything from Aliexpress anymore. And neither will people I know.

We do take our rights and guarantee seriously. Again, if you want post offices in the Netherlands so badly, you will have to build them yourself. Reserve them for Aliexpress packages. Or use your own delivery service. Then it should work out fine.

I expect a reply from you. And don't discard my complaint any long without attention.

Kind regards,

Jooske van der Burg

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  • Lots of items
  • Customer service neglecting rights and making so much trouble

Preferred solution: Full refund

Yin Z Dul

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Very horrible customer service agent and higher team

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Aliexpress - Very horrible customer service agent and higher team
Aliexpress - Very horrible customer service agent and higher team - Image 2
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives
Original review updated Dec 07, 2024

The seller has already agreed to give me a return label for their poor quality product. However, Aliexpress kept asking me to pay for the shipping cost.

Then they will initiate a coupon to cover my shipping cost. By doing this, they will convert my money into their coupon, stealing my right to spend my money elsewhere.

Every time, the customer service agent simply states that they reported it to a higher team and asks me to wait 48 hours when I request a solution. I am Chinese, but I have to say, Aliexpress is rubbish!

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  • No pro
  • Horrible customer service and higher team

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Do NOT buy anything anything from it if you don't want to waste money and time

Maree R Ldh

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Orange, California

Fraudulent activity from 2 store i recent bought merchandise from

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Aliexpress - Fraudulent activity from 2 store i recent bought merchandise from
Aliexpress - Fraudulent activity from 2 store i recent bought merchandise from - Image 2
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

I ordered a tool chest and received a flimsy shower head. For a workstation, I received a bolt.

Now, I have to wait for them to receive their obviously wrong and criminal merchandise back before I get my money back. This was intentional misinterpretation for momentary gain.

I am seething mad that they can get away with this! Now, I am excited for tariffs.

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  • Fraudulent sellers

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Do not waste your time.

Eliecer A Djj

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Orange, California

Cancel an order

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Aliexpress - Cancel an order
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We ordered an incorrect item because we thought an electric scooter was for 47 dollars, but it wasn't. It was just for a camera, which we didn't want to buy. We wanted the scooter which cost 500 dollars.

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  • Everything about ali

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Don’t buy in here

Lania Pud

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Verified Buyer
| map-marker Manor Park, Newham

I ordered this product but it is very bad item

Aliexpress - I ordered this product but it is very bad item
Aliexpress - I ordered this product but it is very bad item - Image 2
Aliexpress - I ordered this product but it is very bad item - Image 3
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I do refund but I have not received QR cord .why?

It item is very expensive

Please accept my refund ordered and send me QR cord.

My ordered id : 304754****152411

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User's recommendation: My ordered please accept

James P Xgj

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Ordered $80 Nike Shoes, delivered $1 Nike Socks - twice

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Aliexpress - Ordered $80 Nike Shoes, delivered $1 Nike Socks - twice
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Ordered women's size 36 UK Nike shoes, tracked the delivery, opened the envelope that was delivered, and found Nike ankle socks.

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  • Huge selection of products
  • Wrong item sent

Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

User's recommendation: Take pictures, track the shipments carefully, and good luck submitting a replacement, refund request.


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| map-marker Nairobi, Nairobi Province

Refund issues

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Aliexpress - Refund issues
Aliexpress - Refund issues - Image 2
Aliexpress - Refund issues - Image 3
Aliexpress - Refund issues - Image 4
Aliexpress - Refund issues - Image 5
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

I had ordered 3 items from AliExpress on november which never gat to be delivered up until December 15 which then I resulted into asking for a full refund... estimated due date for refund of the first product waz latest 25th of December which I never gat to receive..I consulted the customer care team who then escalated my case and gat feedback from them saying they've already done the refund to my financial bank account..keeping in mind I had paid via mpesa no bank involved ..I called safaricom who then told me theiz no refund that was done from's now January I still haven't received my money and all am getting from the customer service team is this whole process being repeated and no result them escalating the case same feedback of they've done the refund..I am just tired and really frustrated and I just need my refund of 6917 back.. please

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